Sunday, November 11, 2012


It's time to start doing projects. I suppose. Today I will be meeting with my homologue and a nurse at the hospital to talk about our plan for helping my ville's hygiene. I'm running a little bit late to get back to town after working in my regional capital a bit though... oh well! C'est la vie. Anywho, I'm trying to set up point people for different projects in different sectors. For example, a group of me and two Burkinabé to work on the promotion of girls in the community, planting trees, health sensibilizations, and income generating activities. Basically, I'm forming triumverates. Should not have read Julius Caesar so much...

What would you all like to know about now? I just gave my first test to my students this past week. Unfortunately, I have not had the time to grade them. Here, a passing grade is a 10 out of 20. And they try to make the test average for the class be about an 11. Thus, things are a bit difficult. One of the major goals here is to encourage critical thinking. Often in primary school, the students are taught only to strictly follow directions and not think outside the box. The culture as a whole does not really align itself with critical thinking. I heard one story this weekend that when a section of forest was cleared out for a future road, the villagers continued to follow the old path- even though it twisted and turned in the now cleared field, the people twisted and turned along with it, declining to simply walk a new path. It serves the people well enough, but, of course, I'd like to help my students achieve their full potential. I'm excited to see who solved my critical thinking problems correctly.

Big news! There is a small village next to mine which is getting a new volunteer. Sadly, the two years has come to an end for the current volunteer... Bon voyage Lyndsay! Thus, the new volunteer will, for all intents and purposes, be my site mate for my remaining time here. After all, I've got the best marketplace around! Hopefully we can collaborate a bit on projects.

Anywho, I'm done eating my papaya and I'm frankly exhausted from this weekend's activities. If you have anything specific you would like to hear more about, let me know! I am but your humble servant, here to cater to your every literary craving. Or something like that. Will write soon! Promise.

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